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Welcome dear traveler,

destiny or serendipity has made us cross our paths...

I don't know your story, but I already feel that we have something in common ...

A curiosity about Life and its mysteries, perhaps?

A rebellious side that allows you to question limiting beliefs, fixed "truths" and ready-made ideas ...

The courage and perseverance to advance on unknown paths, sometimes risky, in order to face your fears, push your limits and learn from your own experiences?

Or, a constant, lucid but benevolent observation of yourself in order to discover who you really are beyond appearances and thus try to understand the Other and the world around you ? ...

We are all unique and yet animated by the same energy of the Universe. When we look with the heart, all our differences disappear and - behind the appearances of our origins, our life stories, our languages ​​and conditioning - appears the same spark of Life, the one that connects us to the world and to all beings...


I wish us a life rich in experiences and teachings. An ability to accept the past, to heal the wounds, to shed light on and forgive the shadowy parts of ourselves and others, without condoning the harmful actions that result from them.

I wish us an understanding and knowledge of the world beyond our 5 senses. Deep and conscious relationships with human, animal, plant and mineral world. The joy of life that does not depend on external events or material wealth. The wisdom to live fully in the present moment and thus find, in the troubled waters of Life, confidence, balance and inner peace.

Welcome to Tantra Experience!


Ateliers en soirée

13 février 2025

6 mars 2025

Les ateliers sont ouverts aux couples et aux célibataires

À Sexopraxis, Lausanne, Suisse

WhatsApp Image 2023-06-01 at 11.00.50.jpeg

Vacances tantriques

A venir...

Ouverts aux couples

et aux célibataires

Lieu: à venir



14-16 février 2025

28 février - 2 mars 2025

Les stages sont ouverts aux couples et aux célibataires

Voir le lieu selon le stage


Tantra femme

19-26 juillet 2025

Ces stages et cours sont réservés aux femmes

Voir le lieu selon le stage

Ateliers à Lausanne et en France
Ateliers à Lausanne et en France
Ateliers à Lausanne et en France
Ateliers à Lausanne et en France
Ateliers à Lausanne et en France
Ateliers à Lausanne et en France
Ateliers à Lausanne et en France
Ateliers à Lausanne et en France
Ateliers à Lausanne et en France

In a benevolent and reassuring environment,

I have the great pleasure to propose to you:

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