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“You are not a drop in the ocean.

You are the whole ocean in a drop”. Rumi

My spiritual name is Deva Dileri. I am fascinated by the unlimited resources of the mind and the element of Water.

I am passionate about dancing, singing, writing and practicing yoga, I love to travel the (outside) world, but above all: within me...


I was born in eastern Europe under a communist regime, into a practicing and conservative Catholic family. A curious but shy child, I grew up surrounded by books and their imaginary and fascinating universes. With all this “baggage”, nothing predestined me to become a “citizen of the world”, traveling across continents, drawing inspiration from various cultures, languages ​​and spiritual paths. And even lesser to become one day... a tantra facilitator.


My search​...

Graduated in political science, journalist by profession and in the business field, shortly before my thirties, I experienced a major identity crisis. The eternal existential questions: "Who am I", "What is the meaning of my life and of Life", "Why so much suffering inside me and in the world", which I asked myself since adolescence, suddenly resurfaced. The practice of powerful Kundalini Yoga came to my aid, soothing some of my fears, anger and frustrations.


In search of my path and my truth, I subsequently discovered and practiced the various disciplines of personal development and therapy-healing (family constellations, transgenerational analysis, Reiki, Rebirth and other cathartic practices). At the same time, I learned about meditation and trained in hypnosis, self-hypnosis and CNV.

My encounter with Tantra ...

During one of my first trips in Asia and especially in India, I discovered the teachings of Osho which challenged again my strongest beliefs. This was only one more step to enter the path of Tantra ...

Since then, guided by various masters and teachers encountered throughout the world - to whom I bow in deep gratitude - I have remained in constant learning at every moment of life. I am a certified tantra animator with the Arc-en-Ciel Tantra school and its founder Joël Samarpan. I also trained myself in Positive Sexual Therapy (FTSP).

For several years, I have been proposing my own approach towards conscious relationships (with oneself, with others and with the world around us) through my workshops, courses and private consultations, in French and in English.

Some of my activities are offered within the framework of Sexopraxis: the largest center in Switzerland dedicated to sexuality, couples and perinatal care, located in Lausanne:

Ma rencontre  Osho.jpg
Ma vision.jpg

My vision of Tantra ...

Tantra for me, above all, is an invitation to live our (love, intimacy, family, professional, social ...) lives with more awareness, presence, empowerment and celebration. It is a marvellous, challenging path towards the unconditional acceptance of ourselves and of our shadowy parts, without judgment or comparison. It is an approach towards understanding our inner worlds (our beliefs, masks, wounds, behavioral mechanisms and repetitive patterns...) which constantly shape the experience of the outer world. A great way of wisdom towards liberation.

My approach to Tantra is inspired by the teachings of Osho. It includes: tantric and healing rituals, mindfulness exercises, various forms of active and passive meditations, massage and sacred touch, visualization and energy work related to the chakras, practices including the 5 senses, breathing techniques, relaxation and emotional liberation (Rebirth and others), elements of yoga (Kundalini, hata, yoga nidra ...), dances with connection, various playful and deep "conscious games".

La paix


Assise en lotus sur un champ de guerre

je vois la haine, la mort, la peur, la famine.

En moi demeure une joie éternelle,

un cœur curieux d'une petite gamine.


Assise en lotus à la table de poker

j'observe le jeu, la triche, le pouvoir.

Dans ma manche se cache l'ultime joker :

rien à attendre, rien à vouloir.


Assise en lotus sur le champ de vie

je vois : c'est un jeu où rien n'est vrai

Alors ce n'est plus une question de survie

je souris et je reste avec moi en paix.


Deva Dileri, juin 2012

Tantra-Experience, Lausanne


Tantra teacher

Tantra coaching

Sacred feminine

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